Chronologic index 1997
From "Der Spiegel": "The school of swindle".
[ 01 jan 97 ] [ english ]
"1997: Well begun is half done": A phone prank pulled by Luther Blissett in January 1997
[ 16 jan 97 ] [ english | italian ]
From "The Guardian": "L.B. still finds Italy a trial", about the Neoist Bus action, by James Tandy.
[ 13 mar 97 ] [ english ]
From "The Express": "Spirit of blundering Luther Blissett lives on in Italy" by Rohan Daft.
[ 24 mar 97 ] [ english ]
From "The European": "Squad of 'Luther Blissetts' strikes for anarchy", about the Neoist Bus action.
[ 26 mar 97 ] [ english ]
Preface to "Let The Children... Pedophilia as a Pretext for a Witch Hunt", by Luther Blissett, Castelvecchi Edizioni, Rome 1997.
[ __ mar 97 ] [ english | italian | spanish ]
Interview given by Franco Berardi aka Bifo on the italian public television about Luther Blissett.
[ 16 apr 97 ] [ english | italian ]
"Luther Blissett stories in the British press": articles from "Daily Mail", "Daily Telegraph" e "The Observer".
[ __ apr 97 ] [ english ]
"Play hard - review of handbüch der Kommunikationsguerrilla", by Luther Blissett.
[ 11 jun 97 ] [ english ]
"I shot Versace, who's next?".
[ 15 jul 97 ] [ english ]
"A review of 'the first triple CD on one CD': Balance by Ladybird/Merzbow".
[ 18 jul 97 ] [ english ]
From the "Gulf Coast Daily": a thirteen year old boy says his name is Luther Blissett.
[ 27 jul 97 ] [ english ]
"Luther Blisset builds Home & Houses": some weird messages by Luther Bllissett.
[ __ jul 97 ] [ english ]
Stewart Home: "Cheap Night Out", public reading of the short story, ICA London
[ 28 aug 97 ] [ english ]
From the "Indipendent": review of "Mind Invaders: A Reader in Psychic Warfare" by Stewart Home.
[ 14 sep 97 ] [ english ]
"The Gospel according to Judas - or The Ultimate Luther Blissett Manifesto", by Luther Blissett.
[ 27 sep 97 ] [ english ]
"10 Items for the covenant - a Slovenian Luther Blissett manifesto".
[ 29 sep 97 ] [ english ]
"Is A Cult Of The Pendulum Born?", by Andrea Ridolfi.
[ 01 oct 97 ] [ english ]
From the Invisible College: Luther Blissett discovers a new way of "inverse hacking".
[ __ oct 97 ] [ english ]
A note on Richard Barbrook's book "The Philosophy Of Fools".
[ 16 nov 97 ] [ english ]
"Pedophilia is no child's play - a Luther Blissett performance in Berlin".
[ __ __ 97 ] [ english ]
From "": "The open pop star & its enemies", by Luther Blissett.
[ __ __ 97 ] [ english ]