Luther Blisset builds Home & Houses

Wed, 16 Jul 1997

From: "Roland J. Kofler"


gentile signore "LB"

Le scrivo per indicarle una strana coincidenza, piuttosto spiacevole:
Il mio nome è William Luther Blisset e dirigo un'impresa edile a Vienna (AUT) che si chiama "Luther Blisset Builds Houses & Homes GMBH". I miei operai usano un trapano speciale designiato [sic] da mio fratello Stewart Blisset ("The Luther Blisset Experience 2000") che è sotto copyright e certificato dalla CEE. Può imaginare perciò quanto mi dispiace dover vietare l'uso del mio Nome per scopi non profit´ [sic]. Pretendo che ogni attività publicistica sotto la sigla L.B. venga inmediatamente sospesa, sopratutto perché lindirizo [sic] della Vostra attività non mi sembra conciliabile con le pretese di una impresa edile in via d'espansione. L'uso dell nome 'Luther Blisset' è da inibire inmediatamente!




Wed, 16 Jul 1997


Dear Kantor, dear fellow collegers,

I've just received a weird message from one Roland J. Kofler, <>. It is written in clumsy Italian, here's a rough translation:


Dear Mr "LB"

I am writing to call your attention on a strange, unpleasing coincidence. My name is William Luther Blisset, I manage a building society in Vienna which is called "Luther Blisset Buids Houses & Homes GMBH". My workers use a special drill designed by my brother Stewart Blisset ("The Luther Blisset Experience 2000"), which is under copyright and registered by the EEU.
Therefore you can imagine that I am sorry, but I must forbid the use of my name for 'non profit' aims. I require that you immediately stop any publishing activity under the name L.B., because your activities seem to be in conflict with the interest and the growth of a building society. The use of the 'Luther Blisset' name has to be prohibited now!






Is this a prank? Has this something to do with the Neoist Month in Vienna? Honestly I don't know, but it's funny! I replied that the spelling of the two names is different ("Luther Blisset" vs. "Luther Blissett", or even "Luther Blissettt), and that if the guy really wants to sue anyone adopting the name, counsels fees will bring his firm bankrupt. I suggested him to go ahead and sue the British soccer player, the Italian public TV, Einaudi, Castelvecchi, AAA, Serpent's Tail, Der Spiegel, Schwarze Risse/Rote Strasse and dozens of Internet providers.


Dear Herr Blisset,


> I have been informed that you have had the misfortune to have your
>named usurped by a group of not-very-impressive modern 'artists'. By
>coincidence, I have succombed to the same misfortune and am currently involved
>in litigation to prevent my name from being used for not-for-profit purposes.
>It would seem that we have a mutual interest in putting a stop to the misuse
>of 'our' name. I suspect there maybe other people who share our name, and who
>regard this recent phenomenon with the greatest disdain. I would therefore
>like to propose to you hat we band together to put a stop to it. I would
>therefore like to invite you join a new organisation entitled 'Luther
>Blisset(t)'s against the Luther Blissett Project'.
>yours sincerely
>Luther Blissett


Luther Blissett Spik and Span plc.
>>I wish to express my solidarity to Mr. Luther Blissett from Vienna.
>>My name is Luther Blissett too, and I find it ludicrous to say the
>>least, that my name is used to support all sort of pranks all
>>over Europe.
>>I wish to point out that I run a Cleaning Company,
>>The Luther Blissett Spik & Span plc. and I certainly do not wish
>>my name to be associated with such filth.


8 Nov 1998



My name is Melissa Blissett. I saw your e-mail address and thought " Hey we might be related!" I figured Blissett is not a common name so we probably share a similar ancestry.
Well here is a little something about about myself ; My father's name is federick Blissett and he lives in New Jersey. We are also Jamaicans.
If you think we may be related or you would just like to return my e-mail,my e-mail address is I'm looking forward to your reply.

