Chronologic index 1995
"An artist disappears: s.o.s. from London to Friuli": about Harry Kipper.
[ 04 jan 95 ] [ english | italian ]
How Luther Blisett reached "Chi l'ha visto?" and took the attention of the tv cops off the runaways.
[ 16 jan 95 ] [ english | italian | spanish ]
"The Rulph Rumney's revenge and other scams": An account on the psychogeographical warfare in Venice during the 1995 Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Arts".
[ 10 jun 95 ] [ english | italian ]
"Luther Blissett - The Original Soundtracks", music by "Le Forbici di Manitù".
[ __ jun 95 ] [ english | italian | spanish ]
A Luther Blissett sighting in Albany, New York.
[ __ jul 95 ] ] [ english ]
How Luther Blissett held the homophobic hacks up to ridicule: Luther Blissett assails the editorial staff with a thrilling metropolitan legend.
[ 19 oct 95 ] [ english | italian ]
From Luther Blissett's "Mind Invaders": "Ray Johnson, a Zapatista in Greenwich".
[ __ nov 95 ] [ english | italian | german | spanish ]
From Baltimore: "A Luther Blissett Manifesto 1995".
[ 06 dec 95 ] [ english ]
The philosophy of Luther Blissett.
[ __ __ 95 ] [ english ]
From London: "NOT a review of Guy Debord Is Really Dead" (Sabotage Ed. London 1995)
[ __ __ 95 ] [ english ]