Chronologic index 1996
"The Nasty Trick": How Luther Blissett turned a corporate attack on the multiple name into a marvellous prank on a major publishing house.
[ 06 mar 96 ] [ english | italian | spanish ]
"Art and Insanity": regarding the Mental Health Benefit Art Show and Auction - Athens, Georgia, USA.
[ 06 mar 96 ] [ english ]
"A trial for Luther Blissett?": about the Neoist Bus action.
[ 09 mar 96 ] [ english | italian ]
Written for a public exhibition of "Subversive Graffiti".
[ __ may 96 ] [ english ]
"Three-sided football" for "Dahlemer Diwan" on Radio Charlie 87.9, by Florian Cramer.
[ 09 jun 96 ] [ english ]
From "Re:Action # 4": "Luthering: An Avant-Bard Manifesto".
[ 23 jun 96 ] [ english ]
"Why I wrote a fake Hakim Bey book and how I cheated the conformist of italian 'counterculture'", by Luther Blissett.
[ 24 jun 96 ] [ english | italian ]
Luther Blissett on Language.
[ __ jun 96 ] [ english ]
Luther Blissett, Perfect Mind.
[ __ jun 96 ] [ english ]
Mondo Cabalone: The Last Road to Luther Blissett
[ 02 jul 96 ] [ english ]
From "TAM": "It is always easier to imitate than to be original", Ruud Janssen interviews Vittore Baroni.
[ 17 jul 96 ] [ english ]
From "Goal": "The anarchists' ball", by Michael Hodges.
[ __ aug 96 ] [ english ]
"Mondo Mitomane 1994-96": Notes on Multiple Name Mythopoiesis as the Cutting Edge of Psychogeography.
[ __ aug 96 ] [ english | spanish ]
"Luther Blissett in germany": "L.B. on german TV" and "L.B. Published in a Berlin-Based Journal".
[ 10 nov 96 ] [ english ]
California, a weird article on Radio Blissett and the "Chi l'ha visto?" prank.
[ __ __ 96 ] [ english ]